Create your own path


A valuable coaching outcome combines a well-defined action plan moving forward and constant stimulation of your imagination and curiosity along the way. The outcome, visible on the outside, will require the creation of something new on the inside.

My passion and dedication, world class coaching methodology, international experience and talent management expertise are my ingredients to help and guide you in creating your path to a fulfilled and successfull career


Career Coaching

  • (Re) discover your career identity and strengthen your career brand

  • Plan and develop your career;

  • Pivote to a new career path;

  • Transition smoothly to leadership roles;

  • Align your career with your personal values;

  • Balance your personal and professional life.

Particularly on those topics I can bring my expertise of recruiter, HR professional and certified coach to support you in your career journey.

Every one of us is naturally creative and resourceful. I am here to help you to turn possibilities into reality. The only moment you can create your future is… right now!


Career Advisory

  • Orchestrate your professional story through your CV, Linkedin profile and cover letter;

  • Leverage your network to optimitize your job search strategy;

  • Prepare and rehearse for all possible interview setups;

  • Negociate your salary, benefits or exit package;

  • Review and understand your Work Certificate (for swiss-based professionals);

  • Navigate challenging conversations (feedback, promotion, conflict).

During my career, I read 100’000+ CVs, interviewed more than 5’000 people from all over the world and actively contributed to hiring more than 1’000 professionals. As Business Partner, I also advised and coached talents, from fresh graduates to senior executives. I am qualified and willing to support you in your career journey.


Explore my 15 years of Human Resources professional and some personal reflections on topics I care about through my blog. Interview preparation, how to give feedback, salary negociation, common myths about job interviews, I share insights and key takeways from my experience as recruiter and Business Partner.


Given my interest in protecting nature, I proudly support an association which is close to my heart, the Salva Fauna Conservation Fund, with a donation of 200€ per year.


« Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom. »

— Viktor Frankl

Feel free to connect with me if you have any questions.